A80 9200
For continuous dyeing and treatment for modern denims including mercerising, bottoming, topping, sulphur dyeing and classic indigo blue, arranged for maximum flexibility.
Roller width 1800mm
This line was completely factory reconditioned and updated by Master in 2017 (funded by the EU) before moving to present location.
11 preparation , dyeing and washing vats/tanks
2 Beam creels
(one creel can be prepared while the other is running)
for maximum 14 beams of max diameter 1400mm
Automatic yarn tension adjuster
Yarn pulling and feeding element
Soda process or wetting or pre-dyeing vat, complete with padder
6 steam heated, PTFE coated timing cans 800mm dia. for mercerising
Fixing or 2nd wetting or washing vat
complete with stainless steel tank and mangle
Neutralising or washing vat
Washing vat complete with stainless steel tank and padder
6 Dyeing vats complete with stainless steel tank
and intermediate padders, with overhead oxidising roller
arrangements with finned stainless steel rollers and dancing roller
Counter current dye circulation system on dye vats
Control system for dyes with filters , dosing and pumps
Circulation Tank for Indigo
Overhead mounted steamer
for colour denim/ oxidiser for indigo
3 Washing or post dyeing treatment vats with intermediate padders
Accumulator for automatic storage of dyed yarn when the sizing machine stops for beam change,
150m content ( 5 minutes at 30m/min)
Drying cylinder pre-dryer range with 10 x PTFE coated drying cylinders
Karl Mayer- Rotal sizing box with prewetting,
Double dip, double nip
Drying cylinder range with 14 PTFE coated drying cylinders
Karl Mayer- Rotal warp beaming head,
Roller width 2840mm
Max. beam width 240cm between flanges
Max. weaving beam diameter 1600mm
Size preparation kitchen
Indigo Dye & Chemicals storage system with:
2 tanks for chemical bath pretreatment
5 Indigo tanks
1 Sulphur Black tank
3 stocking tanks for indigo
Electrical control panels